Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4: Through your grief process what has kept you going?

My Husband
The pusher.  The prodder.  My biggest cheerleader. 

My Kids

They force you to get up in the morning.  They were the first to make me laugh on the way home from the hospital after I had sobbed getting in the car with empty arms.  My husband had to tell them to stop because I was going to bust my c-section stitches! They are champions for my blogs.  They think that it is the coolest thing for blankets to arrive on our doorstep.  They care about other families that have lost a baby.

My Hobbies

Out of all of my hobbies...quilting has been my savior.  The other crafts and sewing can be a bit of a struggle.  I still have to fight through it.  But it is the fighting that is therapeutic too.

My friends

In real life and online.  The friends that listen are the best. My life line.  They tolerate my musing.  But they also expect me to be there for them....which makes me feel needed by others.  And that makes me happy.

Butterfly Kisses

My charity reminds me that I am not alone.  That there are others that are on similar journeys. 

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